Notice in the 25 January 1851 edition of the Exeter & Plymouth Gazette

MONTAGUE BAKER BERE, Esquire, Her Majesty's
Commissioner of the Exeter District Court of Bankruptcy,
being the Commissioner authorised to act under a Fiat in
Bankruptcy, bearing date the Eighth day of JANUARY, 1848,
awarded and issued forth against WILLIAM HANN
PINE of Honiton, in the County of Devon, Maltster,
will sit on the Nineteenth day of FEBRUARY next, at
Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely, at the Court of
Bankrupcty for the Exeter District, Queen-street, in the
City of Exeter, for the purpose of Auditing the Assignees' Ac-
counts of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt ; and
on the Twentieth day of FEBRUARY next, at One o'Clock
in the Afternoon precisely, to make a Dividend of the
Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt. On either of the
above days the Creditors who hjave not already proved their
Debts may prove the same, or they will be excluded the
benefit of the said Dividend ; and all claims not then
proved will be disallowed.
ISAAC JOHN COX, Honiton, and
JOHN DAW, Bedford Circus, Exeter,
Solicitors to the Assignees.