Notice in the 12 March 1870 edition of the Southern Times & Dorset County Herald


To Bakers, Confectioners, Parties Furnishing, and Others.

MR. T. R. CHARLES has been favoured with
instructions from Mr. T. Hann, who is leaving, to
SELL by AUCTION, on TUESDAY, the 15th day of
MARCH, 1870 at One o'clock in the Afternoon, near the
Spring Waggons, Broad Barrow, four-wheel Phæton, and
sundry stable requisites; and at Two o'clock precisely,
at the DWELLING-HOUSE, the whole of the FURNITURE
comprising 2 superior mahogany Arabian bedsteads and
hangings, birch, deal, and iron French bedsteads, palli
asses, matresses, capital feather beds, bolsters, and
pillows, blankets, counterpanes, mahogany chest of
drawers, commode, wash tables with marble tops, toilet
ware, dressing-tables, tray, swing-glasses, carpets, towel
horses, tapestry carpet and rug, fenders and fire sets,
chimney glass in gilt frames, mantel clock, chimney
ornaments, splendid mahogany sideboard, mahogany
couch, 2 easy and 6 other chairs, mahogany, loo, Pem-
broke, and side tables, rosewood card table, stair carpet,
rods, and mats, china, glass, and ware, a quantity of
kitchen utensils, and sundry other articles; also a grey
talking parrot and cage, and a double-barrel gun.
On the following day, WEDNESDAY, the16th of MARCH,
at Two o'clock, - The whole of the CONFECTIONER'S
STOCK-IN-TRADE and UTENSILS, consisting of a
large quantity of assorted sweets, 1½ cwt. of preserves,
about 2 cwt. of teas of first quality, mixed biscuits,
iced cakes, biscuit tins, tea and biscuit canisters, show
glasses, salvers, scales and weights, two large pestles and
mortars, four acid and other drop machines, baking tins,
scoops, three troughs, large deal table, peels, stools and
numerous other effects.
On view on morning of Sale
The AUCTIONEER solicits a punctual attendence as the
Lots are numerous and the Sale will commence precisely.
Dated Auction and Agency Offices, King-street, Wey-
mouth, Feb 17, 1870