In court she was said to look frail and weak. Divisonal Detctive Inspector Burton gave evidence that he had witnessed the body and when he saw Mary Ann later at Walham Green Police Station she admitted the crime and had also said 'I am sorry. I was going to do my boy (Frederick Charles T) in as well as myself, but he ran away. I wanted some sleep' A neighbour, Mrs Rose, when interviewed by a journalist said that 'Mr Hann was a timekeeper at a margarine factory and left for work as usual at about 7.30. At ten minutes to eight the little boy Freddie, who is about seven years of age, called through the window - Mrs Rose, mummy wants you. The Mrs Hann cried out - send for my husband; have done Cissie in. The little chap came into her house and seemed dazed but very brave and said that he had got under the bed. The police and Dr Barker of Wandsworth Bridge Road were sent for but the girl was found to be already dead. As the mother was being taken away in a taxi-cab she called out - Oh my God! What have I done? Send for my husband'