Notice in the 13 February 1864 edition of the Southern Times & Dorset County Herald

HENRY HANN, of Weymouth, in the County
of Dorset, Butcher, having been adjudged Bank-
rupt, under a Petition for Adjudication of Bankruptcy,
filed in Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy for the Exeter
District, on the 25th day of January, 1864, a Publice
Sitting for the said Bankrupt to pass his last Examin-
ation, and make application for his Discharge, will be held
before BIGGS ANDREWS, Esquire the Commissioner of the
said Court, on the 21st day of MARCH next, at 12 of the
clock at noon precicesly, at Queen-street, Exeter, the day
last aforesaid being the day limited for the said Bankrupt
to surrender
The First Meeting of Creditors has been duly held, and
at the Public Sitting above-mentioned Proofs of Debts of
Creditors who have not proved will be received; and the
Bankrupt will be required to surrender himself to the
said Court, and to submit himself to be examined, and to
make a full disclosure and discovery of all his Estate and
Effects, and to finish his Examination.
Mr. MANSFIELD PARKYNS, whose Offices are in Queen-
street, Exeter, is the Official Assignee; and Mr. K. H.
CLARKE, of Gandy-street, Exeter, is the solicitor to the