In the Matter of the Companies (Consolidation) Act,
1908, and in the matter of ACCURATACT MAG-
NETOS Limited

AT an Extraordinary Geberal Meeting of Accuratact
Magnetos Limted, duly convened, and held at
the registered office of the Company, Finsbury-
pavement House, in the city of London, on the 4th
day of February, 1918, the following Resolution was
duly passed in manner required for the passing of
an Extraordinary Resolution; and at a subsequent
Extaraordinary General Meeting of the Company, also
duly convened, and held at the same place, on the
19th day of February, 1918, the said Resolution was
duly confirmed as a Special Resolution under the
Companies Act, viz :-
"That Accuratact Magnetos Limited be wound up
voluntarily ; and that J J Sneddon, of Finsbury-
pavement House, London, EC 2, be and is hereby
appointed Liquidator of the Company for the purpose
of such winding up"
H D Grant, Chairman



IN pursuance of section 188 of the Companies (Con-
solidation) Act, 1908, a Meeting of the creditors
of the above named Company will be held at Finsbury-
pavement House, London, EC., on Monday, the 11th
day of March, 1918, ast 12 o'clock noon, for the pur-
poses provided for in the said section - Dated this
22nd day of February, 1918
J J SNEDDON, Liquidator